The following webinars were part of the Spring 2020 webinar series.
Lung Cancer Screening
The Who-What-When-Where-Why of Lung Cancer Screening
The Who-What-When-Where-Why of Lung Cancer Screening. Screening with low-dose spiral CT scans decreases the risk of dying from lung cancer in heavy smokers. This webinar gave an overview of who is eligible for lung cancer screening and what the data is telling us about its potential impact on lung cancer.
Increasing Lung Cancer Screening Uptake in Eligible Adults
Increasing Lung Cancer Screening Uptake in Eligible Adults: Do We Know What Works? This webinar explored successful interventions that increased lung cancer screening rates and helped coalitions explore how they might enhance appropriate and effective community implementation strategies for lung cancer screening programs in their area.
Tobacco Cessation and Lung Cancer Screening
Tobacco Cessation and Lung Cancer Screening: What Do Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions Need to Know? This webinar covered the benefits of smoking cessation for mortality risk reduction, the difficulty of the cessation journey, the Five-As model for cessation services, the best evidence-based practice for cessation treatment, current practice patterns for cessation, barriers to treatment services, how to improve cessation support, and key partners for cessation and screening programs.
Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General
Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General: What Do Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions Need to Know? This webinar was hosted by the ACS Comprehensive Cancer Control team and discussed the most recent findings in the seminal report. Presenters included Brian King, PhD, MPH, Deputy Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office on Smoking and Health and Linda Bailey, JD, MHS, President and CEO of the North American Quitline Consortium.
Tobacco Cessation in Survivors
Understanding Tobacco Cessation in Cancer Survivors
Understanding Tobacco Cessation in Cancer Survivors: What Cancer Coalitions Need to Know. This webinar was the first in a 3-part Fall 2019 webinar series on tobacco cessation in cancer survivors. The webinar reviewed what CCC Coalitions need to know about smoking prevalence and tobacco cessation in cancer survivors and covered national data and resources that could help CCC programs and coalitions generate actionable information.
Addressing Tobacco Cessation in Cancer Survivors
Addressing Tobacco Cessation in Cancer Survivors: What Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions Need to Know. This webinar was the second in a 3-part Fall 2019 webinar series on tobacco cessation in cancer survivors. The webinar covered the risks of persistent smoking and the benefits of cessation for cancer patients and survivors, addressing best practices, gaps, and barriers to treating tobacco dependence.
Stigma in Cancer Survivors with a Smoking History
Stigma in Cancer Survivors with a Smoking History: What Cancer Coalitions Need to Know. This webinar was the third in a 3-part Fall 2019 webinar series on tobacco cessation in cancer survivors. Dr. Studts explored the impact of stigma on cancer survivors with a smoking history, and what cancer coalitions can do to address the issue.