Cancer Data Resources

Cancer Data Resources

Find the latest American Cancer Society statistics and cancer information in the resources below.

Cancer Facts and Figures Annual Report

The Cancer Facts & Figures annual report provides the most current information about cancer and projections about the number of cancer cases and deaths expected in each state and in the nation in the current year. The widely cited projections serve as a basis for research, but are also readily understood by the public. Each edition of Cancer Facts & Figures includes a Special Section that focuses in-depth on a specific cancer or group of cancers.

Cancer Statistics Website

The Cancer Statistics Center website is a comprehensive, interactive, user-friendly resource for learning about the cancer burden in the United States. The website offers a simple way to explore the data published in the annual Cancer Facts & Figures report, including state-level risk factor and screening metrics.

The Lung Cancer Atlas

The Lung Cancer Atlas website is an interactive view of lung cancer data in the United States. Pick and choose the information you want to map for your state – lung cancer incidence rates, demographic and risk factors, poverty status, smoking rates, as well as information about the number of facilities and thoracic providers in your region.

The Tobacco Atlas

The Tobacco Atlas website is a free online resource that maps the global nature and magnitude of the tobacco epidemic. It provides a free companion book and charts a course toward clear, proven solutions.