These resources will help you to learn more about how to implement PSE changes in your community.
PSE Resource Guide
The PSE Change Guide: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change in Comprehensive Cancer Control is an updated (2023), practical tool that incorporates the latest research, case examples, and resources from partners across the country. It explains what the PSE change approach is, the process for fostering coalition capacity to implement PSE changes, and explores key takeaways and themes from an extensive search of the recent literature.
Environmental Scans: A Worksheet for CCC Coalitions
A key preparatory step in cancer control plan implementation is to conduct an environmental scan – to get a “lay of the land” as to what has already been done, what partners need to be engaged, and what analyses should be done on the data that has been collected. This ACS CCC-developed worksheet walks you through the process with guiding questions and action steps that will frame your efforts.
PSE Resource and Media Guides
The Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change Resource Guide explains what the PSE change approach is and how to implement PSE changes in your community.
The Policy, Systems and Environmental Change: Effectively Engaging Your Coalition When Working with the Media Guide is a resource that coalitions and policy committees or task force groups can use to achieve their healthy community goals. This guide provides information and tools to help coalitions organize their media efforts and maximize their success.
Increasing Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity Across the Cancer Continuum through Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change: A Resource for Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions
This guide provides CCC coalitions with evidence-based PSE approaches, corresponding data, and resources to inform nutrition and physical activity efforts across the cancer continuum.