

Learn more about cancer from these webinars on HPV vaccinations, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and obesity and cancer.

Cancer and Climate Change

During this webinar, you will hear from two leading experts who will help you understand how climate change can increase exposure to cancer risk factors, negatively impact food access and quality, disrupt cancer care treatment and exacerbate cancer disparities. Learn how cancer coalitions can address climate change in their cancer plan updates and implementation efforts. 

Advocacy vs Lobbying: What's the Difference?

During this webinar, you will hear from two leading experts who will help you understand the difference between advocacy and lobbying, how to identify and utilize effective messaging strategies and identify data sources that can support advocacy efforts in cancer control.

Accessing Cancer Care Across the Continuum: Promoting Non-Invasive CRC Screening

During this webinar, three leading experts discussed how access to stool-based testing can reduce barriers to care and provided strategies to reduce this barrier. This webinar was in partnership with the ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable and will provide helpful resources for your coalition.

Accessing Cancer Care Across the Continuum: Overcoming Stigma as a Barrier to Equitable Lung Cancer Care

During this webinar, two leading experts discussed the impact of stigma on access to cancer screening and provided suggested strategies to reduce this barrier. This webinar was in partnership with the ACS National Lung Cancer Roundtable and will provide helpful resources for your coalition.

Accessing Cancer Care Across the Continuum: Advancing HPV Vaccination Equity

During this webinar, two leading experts highlight the importance of HPV vaccination communication within Black/African American communities and discuss Medicaid and HPV vaccination access issues. This webinar is in partnership with the ACS HPV National Vaccination Roundtable and will provide helpful resources for your coalition.

Lung Cancer Screening: Understanding Guideline Updates as a CCC Coalition

During this webinar, four leading experts discuss how cancer coalitions can best promote lung cancer screening when national organizations' guidelines differ. These subject matter experts address the primary differences between current ACS and USPSTF screening guidelines, best practices for coalitions in screening promotion, and resources available for your coalition efforts.

Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Preventions and Survivorship - Food Security Toolkit Review: Overview and Opportunities Webinar

This webinar reviewed the evidence for cancer prevention and survivorship, reviewed the American Cancer Society NUPA Guidelines for Prevention and Survivorship, and described how food insecurity impacts cancer survivors.

CCCNP Cancer Conversations: Engaging with Non-Traditional Partners

This webinar, hosted on August 20, 2024, by the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership (CCCNP), discussed how Coalitions are full of diverse public health and clinical partners that share similar organizational missions. To address the social determinants of health and implement broad PSE change, coalition leaders are increasingly engaging "non-traditional” partners in their efforts. 

CCCNP Cancer Conversation - Hepatitis B Screening for Cancer Prevention: An Update on the New Screening Recommendations

This webinar, hosted on November 7, 2023, by the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership, gives an overview of hepatitis B, a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). It ranges in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks (acute) to a serious long-term (chronic) illness that can lead to liver disease or liver cancer. The hepatitis B vaccine is available for all age groups to prevent HBV infection. The CDC recently released recommendations for hepatitis B testing for all adults once in their lifetime. In this talk, the recommendations for hepatitis B testing and hepatitis B vaccination, as well as barriers and facilitators to implementation, are discussed.

Cancer Conversation Webinar

This webinar gives an overview of the American Cancer Society guidelines for Diet and Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors and how you can include them in your Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition Plan.

Project Echo 101 Webinar

The ACS Project ECHO team partnered with ACS CCC to hold a Project ECHO 101 webinar for cancer coalitions and their partners on Friday, February 10th, 2023. The webinar was specially tailored to comprehensive cancer control coalitions and shared a brief history of Project ECHO, components of the ECHO model, and what goes into conducting a Project ECHO series.

Summer 2022 Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change for CCC Coalitions

This webinar series shows CCC coalitions how to conduct environmental scans, use communication strategies to advance their PSE work, and measure the impact of their interventions.

Fall 2021 Webinars on Lung Cancer

ACS CCC conducted three webinars on lung cancer control in the fall of 2021. The first webinar gave an update on the history and current status of eligibility for lung cancer screening.

State and Local Nutrition and Physical Activity Policy: What CCC Coalitions Need to Know

This webinar builds on the release of ACS CCC’s 2021 tool Increasing Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity Across the Cancer Continuum through Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change: A Resource for Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions and provides CCC coalitions an opportunity to hear from PSE subject matter experts on the latest PSE approaches, data, and resources to inform nutrition and physical activity efforts.

Lung Cancer Control Webinars

ACS CCC conducted two series of webinars on lung cancer control. The first webinar series addressed the issues of Tobacco Cessation in Cancer Survivors, including the stigma they face. The second webinar series focused on Lung Cancer Screening.

Obesity and Cancer Webinars

This webinar series on obesity and cancer explores the impact of obesity on risk and survivorship and how to reduce obesity by reducing the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages.

National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Webinars

This webinar series on colorectal cancer provides information from the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable on screening rates, messaging to reach the unscreened, and how to address disparities.

Nine Habits of Successful Coalitions Webinar

Nine Habits Webinar. This webinar discussed the recently updated guide entitled, Nine Habits of Successful Comprehensive Cancer Coalitions, 2nd Edition. The guide is a “must-have” resource because it helps to build the capacity of Comprehensive Cancer Control coalitions and other cancer-related organizations, from empowering leadership to setting and implementing priorities.

Let's Talk: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Cancer Survivorship

ACS has developed a new role-playing training to help clinicians have effective and sensitive discussions with cancer survivors around the topics of healthy eating, physical activity, and body weight. The free and CME-accredited training simulation consists of an introduction, a guide to more effective conversations, a basic training simulation, and an advanced simulation.