Webinars on Colorectal Cancer

Webinars on Colorectal Cancer

The following NCCRT webinars were produced with the support of the ACS Comprehensive Cancer Control program.

Colorectal Cancer

What Do the Data Tell Us? Latest Colorectal Trends

What Do The Data Tell Us: What Can We Learn From The Latest Colorectal Cancer Screening Rate Trends Over Time? This 2020 webinar provided a look at the latest data around the goal of an 80% colorectal cancer screening rate. The webinar included a review of the key colorectal cancer screening data sets: BRFSS, NHIS, HEDIS, and UDS. Experts provided updates on progress and future areas of focus.


A link to the webinar will be provided when it becomes available.

Digital Storytelling for Cancer Coalitions

Digital Storytelling for Coalitions. Most of us learn to appreciate stories at a very early age. Digital stories help you to reach your audiences because digital stories are easily accessible and interesting for your audience. Learn how to create and share digital stories in this interactive, online course.