Colorectal Cancer Screening in the AME Church Community

Colorectal Cancer Screening in the AME Church Community

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With the support of the American Cancer Society (ACS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research (KPCHR), the Atlanta East District of the AME Church developed tailored colorectal cancer screening messages and an action plan for sharing the messages. Church members, healthcare professionals, and other partners came together to create locally relevant and culturally appropriate screening messages based on scientific health information.

Project Summary

This project aimed to empower AME church members in Atlanta, Georgia to develop and share tailored messages that would raise awareness about CRC screening and increase screening rates. The project also sought to establish and strengthen partnerships between the AME community, local healthcare systems, and other community organizations through the development of a collaborative community action plan.

AME Church Faith-Based Messages and Materials

This section includes all the tailored CRC materials that were created through the collaboration with the AME Church.  Materials included pamphlets, fact sheets, message cards, and videos.

AME Church Resource Guide Cover

AME Church Resource Guide

The AME Church Resource Guide provides helpful resources for promoting colorectal cancer screening among the members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church community.

Additional Resources

The resources below, developed by both the ACS and external partners, helped to contribute to the successful creation of tailored CRC messaging materials for the AME Church community.